Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Adding a new post from Adobe Contribute


This entry was created from Adobe Contribute CS3. I knew that there are some software developed can actually help user to write and then publish their blog entry. I am now trying to write a short and simple post to see if it is more easier to write via internet browser or specified dedicated software or program designed especially to bloggers.

It look like success on insert an html code from picasa picture to my blog via this software. The good thing is that i can set the paragraph alignment from align left, center, align right and justify.

The second good thing is that i can embedded youtube video to this page. Just insert the html code of the video and in an instant, you get the video feed.

The down side that there are no instant grammar and spell check. My writing skills is not really good so i often depends to the computer spell and grammar help to check my post. The second disadvantage is that you can't see your actual page for youtube. There are some confusing option for flash setting that i have no idea what will happen after i click the publish button.

I doubt that i can post a video in this blog because blogger don't have dedicated place to keep this video. So, this video might be ended up blank. (UPDATE: CANNOT PUBLISH)

So, i will click publish and see what happen then.