Sunday, July 24, 2005

Blog: An Introduction

Blog, know before as web log is mainstreams of today internet technology. Wikipedia define the birth of blog as
The term "weblog" was coined by Jorn Barger in December 1997. The shorter version, "blog", was coined by Peter Merholz, who, in April or May of 1999, broke the word weblog into the phrase "we blog" in the sidebar of his weblog. This was interpreted as a short form of the noun and also as a verb to blog, meaning "to edit one's weblog or a post to one's weblog". Usage spread during 1999, with the word being further popularized by the near-simultaneous arrival of the first hosted weblog tools: Evan Williams and Meg Hourihan's company Pyra Labs launched Blogger (which was purchased by Google in February 2003) and Paul Kedrosky's GrokSoup. As of March 2003, the Oxford English Dictionary included the terms weblog, weblogging and weblogger in their dictionary.

Wikipedia: Blog

There are many resources about blog in internet. Just open Google search and type “definition blog”, click the search and then it will automatically link you to the right site. Internet changes the lifestyle of today community. I find internet as a very important tools for information searching and interacting with other people. One of the most significant revolutions in internet technology is blog.

Blog is really growing in Malaysia. Once there are only handful bloggers in Malaysia. There are some ideas of gathering all of them but it took many more years before anyone really spent time to do it. The first official portal of Malaysia web log is Project Petaling Streets. Azzanudin Danian the creator of this portal writes in his blog

Project Petaling Street (henceforth known as PPS) is a "blogtal" : a blog portal. In itself, it isn't a blog, but it acts as a portal that aggregates (i.e. mengumpulkan or brings together) the freshest and latest content from a cross-section of Malaysian made, Malaysian maintained blogs.

Volume of Interactions: Launching Project Petaling Streets
Project Petaling Streets: Home

Since that, Malaysian blogger grow day by day. The most famous blog is Jeff Ooi of Screenshots, Kenny Sia of Kennysia, Claire Koo of Minishorts and Peter Tan of The Digital Awakening. There are still more interesting blog that you might discover if you keep visiting the Project Petaling Streets portal. Jeff Ooi writes about news critique and some political review. Kenny Sia tells more about jokes and life. Claire Koo writes what she wants to write especially about her life and express her feelings. Peter Tan, writes blog in the way of Christianity and actually a disable activist lobbying for disable facilities around the city.

Screenshots: Jeff Ooi
Kennysia: Kenny Sia
Clare Koo: Minishorts
Paul Tan: The Digital Awakening

There are other interesting blog to read such as Jesus by Celestine, and he write blog in the Christian perspective. Simply just go to Malaysia Roman Catholic Blogger Network and there are some links to starts and discover more link. I have seen some more Christian blog and unfortunately I forget the address.

Celestine: Jesus!
Malaysia Roman Catholic Blogger Network

My others daily blog link is

Alicia: Applegal's Diary in her Cubbyhole
Sabahan girl study Law in Malaya University for her second year. She write about her study and life in KL, holidays trips and city people and life style.

Michael Ooi: Heavenly’s Blog
Nasty guys write a nasty post in his blog. I think it his way to release all the tension that he felt during work. Once time I pissed him off and he feature a post about me and it’s my first hate blog. I get irritated for a while and get over it instantly.

Huai Bin: Sixseal
A successful computer engineer and a breathing and standing drug test rat lab that test the entire cigarette, alcohols, pills and some other things you never thought off. Still he writes a good review about interesting food restaurant especially in Kuching and Kuala Lumpur.

Michelle: Oey!
I found out this writer is the daughter of my secondary school teacher. Local sabahan writes critique about Kenny Sia and other blogger and recently about her feelings cause she just broke up with her lovely

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Get in touch while you are far away.

Problem: I'm just move to a new and have problem to get in touch with all my friends. I don't want to spend so much money.

Option Solution:
1. Use the phone and rang them if you free using the ring ring card or i talk. Its quite cheaper than using your mobile phone and ended up your total balance declined in a huge rates. *regrets*
2. Write letter (if you think it not outdated) or write an e-mail once a day.
3. SMS (Short Text Message) each others in the convenience of you bedroom or maybe your living room or sacrifices the comfort and sit in front the computer and chat using yahoo messenger, ICQ, MSN or IRC. (Watch out for the bill if you use dialup better apply for Streamyx)
4. Plug a headphone and microphone to you computer and don't bother to pressing the keyboard. Still comfortable level is low. You might as well plug a webcam to your computer and you can talk to each others face to face.
5. Get a 3G or GPRS hand phone and pay the expensive phone bill but you will get the satisfaction, comfort and lifestyle.

This are some (might have more) option for you to get in touch with friends with some help of computer technology. Some of the option doesn't need us to spend too much money to it. Still it not really considers cheap thou.

Most of people will choose option 4 because it is the cheapest (rate/time) way to communicating and keep in touch with your friends. First you can communicate with your friends just like a phone voice via internet provider or audio/video transfer. Still there is a disadvantage because voice and video took a huge chunk of data to be send and users might have a problem of the delay conversation. To overcome the problem, both of the communicator needs to have a broadband connection such as Streamyx.

Here is information about the MSN Messenger's audio and video link via pc.

MSN Messenger Launches Voice and Full Screen Video Conversations

Tips and Taps

This blog is dedicated to share my experience and thoughts about computer especially the internet and news about the technology and computer that within the field of my knowledge. It will not be a frequent post for me but i will email to you all if I got something to share.