So, what really is pocket pc? Wikipedia define pocket pc as
A Pocket PC is a handheld-sized computer that runs a specific version of the Windows CE operating system. It has many capabilities of modern desktop PCs. Currently there are thousands of applications for Pocket PC, many of which are Freeware. Some of these devices, running Microsoft Windows Mobile 2003 Phone Edition, also include mobile phone features. Pocket PCs can also be used with many other add-ons like GPS receivers, barcode readers, and cameras.
Wikipedia: Pocket PC
Microsoft has its own definition that is
According to Microsoft, the Pocket PC is "a handheld device that enables users to store and retrieve e-mail, contacts, and appointments, play multimedia files, games, exchange text messages with MSN Messenger, browse the Web, and more."
Microsoft:Pocket PC (Link not available and quote was taken from wikipedia: Pocket PC)
Nevertheless, if you want to know more about Windows Mobile, you can click to link below:
Microsoft: Windows Mobile
Wikipedia: Windows Mobile
I would not think of lecturing all about the definition of Pocket PC and Windows Mobile. The in-depth knowledge can be easily obtained in the internet following to the link I provided as well using the Google search engine. What I would like to do is to share my experience of using this Pocket PC and the benefits that some people can receive upon investing on this small and high tech gadget.
When the first time I saw this iPAQ of my in the shops, I already knew the potential and the advantages in it. Still, I do confess that at the moment that I cannot fully utilized all the advantages in this as my job and work as not as demand as the first time I need it. So, I am looking forward to experience more of the advantages of this little gadget.
Time and Appointment Management
My experience as a universities student make me realized that time management is important. Life as one of a active student in one of major projects need a high demand in your time and if you didn’t plan you time in advance, the effect is that you will lose the track of time and nothing work as you please. Time management is the most important thing to do for student. Many work and assignment need to be done with in the short term of studying time. So, the advantages of having a well planned time on your small and convenience pocket pc time organizer is that you can have a brief look on your appointment and task for that period of time.

Therefore, you also can view your time appointment for a week period, month and whole year.

Week Period Task

Month Period Task

Year Period Task
This task scheduling can be synchronized to your computer Microsoft Outlook 2003. There will not be any repetition key in for any appointment that you key in. The synchronization can be done via the cable or via wireless (in condition that your computer also has a wireless connection). This is also an extra feature that not all the devices have. Some of the devices do have a wireless connection but some do have. So, the latest recommendation for any future PDA owner is that wireless connection is important to connect your computer to able the users to transfer a huge size of data especially photos and videos that was being taken. To synchronize your Pocket PC with the computer, ActiveSync is used. A live synchronization is also can be done while the connection is online.

So, working out your time management with your Pocket PC gadgets really is a next step on time management planning. Many not yet wonders the benefits and the advantages of this small technologies as most of them said that it’s too expensive. Price is the main problem to obtain and experience technologies in Malaysia. I predict that the price of latest technologies is in its lowest point and we will not experiencing any dropping of prices on any mobile gadgets such as hand phone, digital camera and PDA especially.
In the next post, I will writes about my experience on Pocket PC PDA as a entertainment gadgets, where you can utilizes to listen mp3 songs, watching clips using wma and real player formats and lots more.